Welcome to The Cicada Library!
"A book is a loaded gun"
This site is to collect and share my thoughts on books. I started this project the day I began my bigest paper to date, in english class, a peice that willbe on Book Banning in the united States of America. I have loved books my whole life, and read since I got a pair of glasses- as soon as I could. I started coding a few years ago, Andknow just enough to get into trouble. This site is going to have resources for readers, as well as my thoughts and opinions and possibly i'll be able to add my paper to it when its complete.
In addition to my oppions, I intend to add a page dedicated to my reading log, whoch I started in 2023. I might also do a special selection of book-banning related stories. I will most likely compile articles for further reading on such topics as well. Im not sure how this is going to turn out, and what all its going to cover, but right now the one thing I'm certan of is that I am against banning books. if your here, you probably are to, and if not I hope you stick around anyway. One thing you learn when you oppose banning any books, is that everyone has a write to an opinion. this subject is not black and white, and I understand That there will be other opinions, I value them.