Welcome to The resources page!

your local library in your pocket

These are some moble/online libraries. you sign in with your library card, and gain access to your local libraries collection.

  • Hoopla
  • libby
  • get out of your neck of the woods

    These are some digital archives- not tied to a central library, they exist on the internet.

  • Internet Archive
  • anna's archive
  • project gutenburg
  • Digital public library of American
  • your collection

    These are some resources for buying your books. A note about buying books on amazon (and digital media in general): you dont own your e books. if amazon gets rid of them, theyre gone. I am a full proponant of hard coppies- including paper backs, cds, etc. as for paying for audio books and music and such, as a general rule if you cant touch it, you dont own it. Stuff that exists only online is just that. books dont go dead, they work without wifi etc. if you want someone smarter and more articulate than me to explain this, check out

    chain book stores:

  • b&n
  • BAM
  • second hand books

  • world of books
  • cheap new and second hand books
  • most importantly,Find a local Indie Book store. Find it. support it.
  • bookshop supports indie bookstores
  • check your local thrift stores, good will- even libraries sell old books sometimes. its worth noting that a good book usually doesnt get thrown out, but it never hurts to check! Ive gotten a copy of frankentstein (one of my favorite books), and a few other really good ones for really cheap- a hard back frankentstein for three bucks? yes please!>

    educate yourself

    These are miscelaneous articles Ive collected in my studies

  • Book Sellers Association advocacy page
  • American Library Association banned and challenged page
  • "cant lose what you never had", by Michael Atleson. Digital media ownership
  • Banned books by state
  • about Third places
  • In my opinion, the brightside to banning books
  • An article about the depth of public libraries.
  • The home page oflittle free libraries.
  • A link to the ALA'sLibrary Bill of Rights, Before starting this project I didnt even know they had one!